Knitting: mittens from Mostly Mittens
And a hat to match. The mermaid thing on the right is the mitten blocker. To make a mitten blocker, go to your local Dollar Store and find a kiddy placemat. They seem (at least stores around here) to have thin acrylic mats with kiddy cartoon characters. We had Little Mermaid, but I've heard of Spongebob as well. Buy one of these for a buck, and cut it to make a template. I cut one piece for the hand, and a second for the thumb. No need to attach them.
To use the blocker, wet and blot your knitted mitten, then insert the thumb blocker in the thumb. Stretch and arrange, and then do the same with the hand blocker. I find bending the blocker to put it inside the mitten helps. Let dry. Your mitten will be nice and flat. Blocking makes a big difference to knitted mittens and gloves.
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